Video conferences killed business trips
But business tourism will not disappear, it will evolve
Is a fiscal apocalypse coming?
There are no objective data on serious problems with the stability of the fiscal sector in the short term
How to cure aging?
In ancient times people were seeking immortality or life after death and today medicine and technologies have focused on new challenge
What is the trendiest treatment of enlarged prostate?
The laser bloodlessly removes the prostate gland, thousands of patients have been cured at the Hill Clinic
How to cure aging?
In ancient times people were seeking immortality or life after death and today medicine and technologies have focused on new challenge
The new normal
Yes, vehicles are expensive
The leather is here to stay
How one of the oldest industries copes with the constant challenges
Who wants to live forever?
The “silver economy” creates a need to make our lives healthier and more active and this can happen through market innovations and technological progress
Buy a real estate… last year
Any believable prognosis will be wrong, any punctual prognosis will be impossible