
Modern Dental Implant Systems at Dentatime in Sofia

Dr. Radoslav Simeonov has over 20 years of professional experience as an implantologist. He is the owner and Head Dentist at the Dentatime clinic in Sofia, specialised in complex treatment of dental diseases with a focus on Implantology, Aesthetics and Root Canal Treatment.

09:00 | 18 юли 2023
Автор: Екип Bloomberg Businessweek Bg

Dr. Simeonov, are dental implants the best solution to missing teeth in contemporary dental medicine?

Implant dentistry is indeed the best solution for restoring missing teeth. Dental Implants are the fastest and most effective way for permanent replacement of natural teeth and restoration of the masticatory function, speech and aesthetics in patients regardless of their age.

How does the 3-to-5-day immediate loading implants system work? It sounds like a really fast and even express method of treatment?

This is a specific technique we use for express full-mouth or segment restoration of missing teeth, employing the immediate implant placement and loading system. Within simply 3 to 5 working days, our patients have the required number of implants placed on their upper and lower jaws, to which we then attach permanent restoration structures in the form of dental bridges and crowns.

What type of patients would be eligible for express dental implant treatment?

The type of system and working methodology that we offer at Dentatime is extremely suitable for patients suffering from noticeable bone resorption (bone loss). Also for patients with chronic diseases with high risk of infections. These patient groups most often include people with advanced periodontitis, suffering from loose teeth and irreversible inflammatory processes in the bone and gums, as well as diabetics and heavy smokers.

Tell us about your Dentexpress option, designed to save time for people living outside Sofia, busy people and frequent travelers?

Dentexpress is a treatment plan option for optimised visits to the clinic, that saves our patients numerous short appointments for weeks to come. We plan and and organize the treatment merely within one or several consecutive days.

To make an appointment with Dr. Radoslav Simeonov, please call Dentatime at (+359) 892 600 602 or reach us through our website contact form at www.dentatime.com.
